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  • Aiyana Ishmael

The Beginning of Everything & More

Aiyana Ishmael in her second home, New York City.

Hey y’all! Welcome to my channel… I mean website? I’m not sure how to greet my audience (if there even is one.) I finally sat down and decided to start this subsection of my website. I’ve been dying to have an open space to write after spending my prepubescent days watching MTV’s Awkward.

Now if you’re a blogger or someone that reads blogs often then you’ll know most of them have a specific theme. Beauty, fashion, etc. But, of course, the indecisive hot (emphasis on hot) mess that I am could not decide. I love it all, so why not make this everything that I am. And, I am everything & more hunty. (;

Me in NYC, what else is new?

So, I hope you’ll follow along on my journey as I explore everything that excites me. That could be fashion one day, beauty the next, or even my extreme obsession with using only Gossip Girl gifs in every group chat I’m in. #IYKYK

I want this blog to be completely me, no filter. (Okay maybe a few from VSCO, but you know what I mean.)

Now, on to the important stuff. If you don’t already know me or even if you do know me, here’s a little bit about who I am.

I’m currently 20 years old, a Gemini sun, Pisces Moon, and Rising Virgo. As you can see I’m an astrology h**. I’ve lived in Miami for 17 years, but if anyone asks I still say I’m originally from South Carolina. (I was only born there, but it still counts in my eyes.)

I’m black if you couldn’t tell by the assortment of photos in this piece.

I’ve talked a certain way my entire life and I’ve constantly been told that I ‘talk like a white girl.’ I’m now older and more assertive so if those words are said to me in current times I see them as fighting words, so everyone be cautious.

I currently attend the Illustrious Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida. (I wouldn’t normally use illustrious, but after a year at FAMU that is how everyone refers to it.) And I’m the upcoming Editor-in-Chief for the campus award-winning magazine, Journey.

One time for the Journey magazine release party.

I love all things cheetah print. So much so that my phone case for two years was cheetah print. I even broke my case one time and immediately ran to buy an exact replica.

I'm a lover of all things reality TV, and I see myself as a reality TV show connoisseur. And I will argue over whether MTV made the right decision in letting the Are You The One Cast into The Challenge.

I have a large collection of fashion magazines, yes print! Even though most of these companies are going digital I still love to flip through a good mag’ here and there.

Once again, me in NYC.

I also am the biggest New York City lover you'll ever meet and I've never actually lived there. But, I do visit so often that my Instagram at one point was all just photos from different trips there. The past six months I've gone to NYC four times. (I'm currently ready for my next escape there.)

Those are pretty much the basics. I can’t give away everything yet, I mean, you probably wouldn’t even have the time to read it all. So here’s to me, you and this journey. Hope you’ll tune in to what I have to say.

Until later,

Aiyana N. Ishmael

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Hannah Freeman
Hannah Freeman
May 10, 2019

Never stop what you’re doing you’re only going to the top


May 10, 2019

My beautiful and talented writer. I love it and I’m so proud of you! 😘


Andrea Olarte
Andrea Olarte
May 10, 2019

so so so excited to read more!! love you!!


May 10, 2019

You really are amazing girlie!! Love this and will be looking forward to the others ❤️❤️


Jasmine Ruiz
Jasmine Ruiz
May 09, 2019

Pretty girl with strong words and ambitions, keep up the amazing work!!!

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